The EYE Project Returns

YEAH Philly and MZA Legal partner for a youth pitch competition with a $1,000 top prize

Empowered Youth Entrepreneurs (EYE) Project is returning with a bang during Global Entrepreneurship Week in Philadelphia. On November 16th, 2022, the EYE Project will hold it first youth pitch competition at the HIVE at Springpoint. The competition features a top prize of $1,000, and provides an opportunity for young Black entrepreneurs to display their creativity and build community.

The EYE Project Pitch Competition is a Shark Tank style event, where up to ten current or aspiring Black entrepreneurs between the ages of 16 and 24 will compete for the grand prize of $1,000. Second and Third place will receive $500 and $250 prizes respectively. The top three finishers will also receive ongoing technical assistance in the area of financial management, website design, social media marketing, or product development. All ten finalists will be invited to participate in a professional photo shoot, and receive headshots they can use to advertise their business moving forward.

The EYE Project initially launched in 2020 with a youth entrepreneurship accelerator program. Beginning in January 2023, the EYE Project will begin holding Startup Saturday workshops for young entrepreneurs. These open workshops will teach basic business concepts such as marketing, sales, financial management, and mindset. Entrepreneurs from Philadelphia will also come speak during workshops to impart wisdom and provide inspiration.

Zane Johnson, co-creator and project lead for the EYE Project, hopes his efforts will foster a community of young Black entrepreneurs supported by an ecosystem of experienced entrepreneurs and business service organizations. β€œI really want to broaden young people’s horizons. Introduce them to new concepts, new ideas and new people,” he said. β€œIn the end, the goal is to help our young people develop a growth mindset, and an awareness of the power and potential each of them has to transform lives.”

The EYE Project Pitch Competition is open to Philadelphian’s between the ages of 16 and 24 who identify as Black, African-American, or part of the African Diaspora. From the applications received, YEAH Philly and MZA Legal will select up to 10 finalists based on the most interesting business ideas. Each finalists will have 3 minutes to present their business idea before a panel of judges. The judges will then have 5 minutes to ask questions. Judges will select winners based on creativity, clarity, purpose, and passion.

To apply, or learn more about attending or volunteering for the pitch competition, visit